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From the Pastors at Joy

Paul's Confidence

"You, however are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him." -Romans 8:9

This sentence clearly puts a condition on the Christian's assurance.  A person has no need to be concerned if he is in the flesh anymore, IF the Spirit of God dwells in him.  It also sets up a contrast with what Paul had said directly before this, "Those who are in the flesh cannot please God."  Only those who have the Spirit of Christ (we will get to the Spirit of God/Spirit of Christ discussion in a post next week) truly belong to Him. 

Something I find encouraging here and in other letters written by Paul is his confidence that his audience has the Holy Spirit.  Whether it be through his own presence in helping establish a local congregation or, as is the case with the church at Rome, through the testimony of others whom Paul trusted, we see and hear a tone of confidence and hope in his letters.  While he addresses many issues that exist within the local bodies, deficiencies in their lives and witnesses, it is clear that he believes he is addressing brothers and sisters in Christ.  We know this because he often refers to them as such, but also because he wonderfully lays out the benefits that are theirs through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (see the Romans 8:12-39 for context).  It would be quite odd for Paul to speak in such ways and then to turn around and say, "Not that any of these things apply to you, per se."

Why is this remarkable or worthy of discussion?  Because it is not as if these people were living perfect lives.  It's not as if their attitudes and actions constantly bore out a perfection of love for God and neighbor.  We know this is true because they needed instruction in certain matters, even matters pertaining to the most essential elements of faith!  People who need instruction have clearly not arrived at the pinnacle of Christian living.  And yet Paul's confidence remains. 

Why?  Because his confidence is in the God who began a good work in them!  Paul said in Romans 1:8 that their faith was being proclaimed in all the world.  What faith is that?  Faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  The fact that they believed in Christ and were baptized in His name gives evidence that His Spirit had begun a good work.  Because apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, no man believes in Christ.  This is the heart of the New Covenant, God doing what man cannot do.  No man comes to Christ unless he is drawn by the Father.  And no man who comes to Christ can ever be plucked from the Father's hand.  Because Paul is confident that God has filled the Roman believers with the Holy Spirit unto faith and repentance, he is also confident that the same Holy Spirit will bear fruit internally and externally among them. 

But it is extremely important to remember this as it pertains to the Roman church, the Corinthian church, the Philippian church, or to ourselves.  The confidence Paul has, and the grounds of his assurance in their faith, is God's ability to save, sustain, and grow His people through faith in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit!  While we always face the danger of saying "Christ paid for my sins, so I can sin all I want," - which is absurd on many levels - we may even more frequently face the danger of saying "My assurance of salvation ebbs and flows based on how I'm feeling or behaving." This is very dangerous, and leads to nothing of value.  Why should you be assured today, believer?  Only because Christ's work is finished.  He has atoned for your sins, if you have believed in Him.  He is risen from the grave, showing God's decisive victory over sin and the grave!  His work is your righteousness, your comfort, your assurance.  Trust in nothing less.  And His Holy Spirit is your comforter, your encourager, your fruit bearer.  And He WILL continue His work in you until it is finished!