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From the Pastors at Joy

Praying through 1 Peter: Monday

·         Pray that we would embrace our identity as beloved children of God, set apart for obedience to Jesus by the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit. (1:2)


·         Praise God for His work of New Birth in your life, and the living hope that we have because of Jesus’ resurrection (1:2-5). 


·         Pray for those who are experience suffering, whether physical or spiritual, to be strengthened and have their faith purified (1:6-7)


·         Praise God for revealing to us the riches of the gospel, which those in the Old Testament could only point to, and to which angels long to look (1:10-12).


·         Pray that we would be diligent in the use of our minds to live upright, holy lives, free from sinful desires, and to have our hope set on the grace that is to come to us when Jesus returns (1:13-16).


·         Praise God for sending Jesus as a perfect sacrifice to rescue us from the empty ways of this world through His precious blood (1:17-20)


·         Pray for an increasing love and bond of peace in our congregation, which is possible through the renewing work of God’s Word and His Spirit (1:22-25).


·         Pray for those who give themselves to teaching/preaching (Sunday morning services, Promiseland, Life Groups, Bible studies meeting through the week), 1 Peter 1:25.