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From the Pastors at Joy

The True Knight is Risen

120720-aurora-dp1-330a.photoblog500For those reading or watching endless reports on the horrible shooting at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, I thought this reflection from Christian blogger Collin Hansen is worth the read.  It's important that we learn how to interact with current events from a Christ-centered perspective.   

Hansen helps us to do that in his article. His conclusion:

Jesus had no illusions about why the nations rage. They rage in their sin, against their God, going so far as to put God in human flesh to death. But such evil plots in vain, because the ascended Jesus promises to return in justice. He will hold his and the Aurora movie theater's murderers to account. And he will usher in the safety and security of the new heavens and new earth for all who believe in him.

Check out the whole article here.

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